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Enhanced Tool Registry

One of the core advantages of Awesome MCP FastAPI is its enhanced tool registry system, which automatically discovers, documents, and exposes your FastAPI endpoints as MCP tools.

How It Works

Tool Registry Flow Diagram

The tool registry works through several key components:

  1. Decorator System: The @auto_tool decorator marks FastAPI endpoints as MCP tools
  2. Route Scanner: Automatically discovers all decorated endpoints in your application
  3. Schema Generator: Creates rich JSON schemas from Python type annotations and docstrings
  4. Registry API: Exposes tools through both FastAPI endpoints and MCP protocol interfaces

Key Benefits

1. Automatic Documentation Generation

The tool registry automatically generates documentation in two formats:

  • MCP Tool Schemas: Compatible with all MCP clients (like Claude)
  • OpenAPI/Swagger: For human developers to explore and test

This dual documentation approach ensures both AI models and humans can discover and understand your tools.

2. Enhanced Type Information

Unlike standard MCP, our tool registry extracts rich type information from:

  • Function signatures: Parameter types and return types
  • Pydantic models: All field types, constraints, and validations
  • Field extra information: Examples, descriptions, and constraints

This results in more accurate schema generation and better client experiences.

3. Docstring Processing

The registry intelligently processes Python docstrings to:

  • Extract parameter descriptions
  • Generate example values
  • Document return values
  • Provide usage notes

4. Production-Ready Features

  • Caching: Tool schemas are cached for performance
  • Hot Reloading: New tools are discovered when added
  • Error Handling: Robust error handling for schema generation
  • Logging: Detailed logging for debugging

Using the Tool Registry

Binding to Your App

First, bind the tool registry to your FastAPI app:

from fastapi import FastAPI
from awesome_mcp_fastapi import bind_app_tools

app = FastAPI()
bind_app_tools(app)  # This registers the tool registry

This creates the following endpoints:

  • /tools/all: Lists all registered tools with their schemas
  • /tools/scan: Manually triggers a scan for new tools

Marking Endpoints as Tools

Use the @auto_tool decorator to mark FastAPI endpoints as MCP tools:

from awesome_mcp_fastapi import auto_tool

    name="tool-name",             # Unique tool identifier
    description="Tool description", # Optional, falls back to docstring
    tags=["category1", "category2"], # Optional, for organization
    example_input={"param": "value"}, # Optional example input
    example_output={"result": "value"} # Optional example output
)"/api/endpoint")        # Regular FastAPI route decorator
async def my_endpoint(param1: str, param2: int):
    Endpoint docstring - will be used for documentation.

    Will be parsed to extract parameter descriptions and examples.
    # Implementation
    return {"result": "value"}

Tool Discovery Process

Tool Discovery Sequence Diagram

The tool registry:

  1. Scans all routes in your FastAPI application
  2. Identifies routes decorated with @auto_tool
  3. Analyzes function signatures and docstrings
  4. Generates input and output schemas
  5. Registers tools in the MCP protocol
  6. Exposes tool listing through the API

Advanced Schema Generation

The schema generator has several advanced capabilities:

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from enum import Enum
from typing import List, Optional

class Status(str, Enum):
    """Processing status enum"""
    PENDING = "pending"
    PROCESSING = "processing"
    COMPLETED = "completed"
    FAILED = "failed"

class JobResult(BaseModel):
    """Result of a background job"""
    id: str = Field(..., description="Unique job identifier")
    status: Status = Field(..., description="Current job status")
    progress: float = Field(0.0, description="Progress percentage", ge=0.0, le=100.0)
    results: Optional[List[str]] = Field(None, description="Job results if completed")

    class Config:
        schema_extra = {
            "example": {
                "id": "job_12345",
                "status": "completed",
                "progress": 100.0,
                "results": ["result1", "result2"]

    description="Check the status of a background job",
@app.get("/api/jobs/{job_id}", response_model=JobResult)
async def get_job_status(job_id: str):
    Get the current status of a background job.

    - job_id: The unique identifier of the job

    The current job status and results if completed.
    # Implementation
    return JobResult(
        results=["example result"]

From this code, the registry will automatically generate:

  • A rich input schema with the job_id parameter
  • A complete output schema with all JobResult fields
  • Proper Enum value handling
  • Examples from the Pydantic Config
  • Descriptions from Field definitions and docstrings

Customizing the Registry

You can customize the tool registry behavior with options:

    prefix="/custom-path",   # Custom endpoint prefix (default: /tools)
    scan_on_startup=True,    # Auto-scan on startup
    enable_api=True,         # Enable API endpoints
    cache_ttl=60             # Schema cache TTL in seconds

Internals: Schema Processing

The tool registry employs sophisticated techniques to generate schemas:

Input Schema Generation

  1. Analyzes function parameters
  2. Identifies query, path, and body parameters
  3. Extracts types, defaults, and constraints
  4. Processes Pydantic models recursively
  5. Adds examples and descriptions

Output Schema Generation

  1. Identifies response_model from route decorators
  2. Falls back to return type annotations
  3. Processes Pydantic response models
  4. Extracts example responses
  5. Adds rich field descriptions

Performance Considerations

The tool registry is designed for production performance:

  • Lazy Loading: Tools are scanned only when needed
  • Caching: Schema generation results are cached
  • Minimal Overhead: Negligible impact on request handling
  • Optimized Processing: Efficient schema generation

Next Steps